Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find information (address, working hours) for your physical stores?

You can find a list of JD Sport stores here and by clicking on what you are interested in, you will see your address, map of the area, opening hours and the name of the person responsible for the store!


Are products that are out of stock in a size or color, restocked?

At you will find a wide range both in products and sizes. If a product or size is out of stock, we will try to re-stock it as soon as possible, of course, it can, at any time, resolve an order cancellation / refund and replace an available product / size. If there is no stock in a product / out of size then it is automatically taken down from


Can I receive the latest News and Offers from

Of course, you can! Just subscribe to our "Newsletter" to receive JDNews, Latest Trends, Fits’ and all events for Sign up and get a -10% discount coupon for your first online order!


How can I redeem my -10% discount coupon?

Choose your favorite JD styles, add them to your cart and enter the code “HELLO” at the checkout page to apply the -10% discount on your order**.

* The coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or coupon, which is available online.

** Some exceptions may apply.


Can I stop receiving the Newsletter?

If you want to go then all you have to do is... Open any "Newsletter" and click on the relevant link at the end of the message or let us know via email.


How do I recover the password to my member account if I have forgotten it?

If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it in the "Sign In" section. Fill in your email and click "I forgot my password". You will receive an email with your new password.

What should I do if I receive a product I did not ask for?

In case you accidentally been delivered a product that you have not ordered, please contact JD Sports team directly.


What should I do if I receive a product I did not ask for?

In case you accidentally been delivered a product that you have not ordered, please contact JD Sports team directly.


How can I purchase an eGift Card?

Sending an eGift Card, in easy!

1. Choose the amount you want to fill you card with

2. Fill in the recipient's details (e-mail or SMS), your wish 

3. Proceed to online payment.

For further info click here!


What is the minimum and maximum purchase amount for an eGift Card?

You can choose an eGift Card from 15€ to 100€.

What is the expiration date of the eGift Card?

An eGift Card has a validity period of 12 months from the date of purchase.


How do I send an eGift Card?

An eGift Card is sent instantly as soon as you complete the order, by email or sms to the recipient.


How can you help me with size fitting on apparel, sneakers or gifting?

You can Chat with a JD Expert daily between the hours of Monday- Friday 09:00 - 21:00  & Saturday 09:00- 20:00 except bank holidays, to help with JD News, Latest Trends, Fits and all events for

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